Dental treatment in Vilnius

Our dentists are ready to use their knowledge and experience to help you preserve or restore your beautiful smile and self-confidence!

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Dental examination

Dentists recommend that you have your teeth checked twice a year. Dental health is influenced by diet, bad habits and daily dental hygiene. During the check-up, the dentist assesses the condition of the teeth, examines them carefully and, in case of damage, starts treatment. A preventive dental check-up prevents tooth decay and potentially serious problems in the future, which if left untreated could lead to tooth extraction. To protect your teeth and gums, you should have a preventive dental check-up at least once every 6 months.

A professional consultation is an examination and discussion with the patient by a dentist lasting up to 30 minutes. During the consultation, X-rays and examination are taken and an individual treatment plan is drawn up. The consultation can be done by email or Skype.

Professional oral hygiene

Improper brushing invariably results in soft plaque, which triggers a protective reaction in the gums – inflammation, the main symptoms of which are swelling, redness and bleeding. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, in which the bone and ligaments supporting the tooth decay. Soft plaque is easily removed with personal oral hygiene products such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, interdental floss and mouthwash. If soft plaque is not cleaned, mineralisation starts after 1 to 3 days and within 10 to 20 days the soft plaque turns into tartar.

Professional oral hygiene involves hygienic procedures to remove mineralised and non-mineralised plaque and polish the surfaces of teeth and fillings.

The dental clinic offers an Oral Hygiene Programme, which includes regular professional hygiene once every 6 months, unless otherwise prescribed by your dentist, and a 10% discount.

How to look after your teeth properly?

Dental fillings

Dentists recommend that you have your teeth checked twice a year. If necessary, they must be filled.

Therapeutic dental treatment (dental fillings) is the most common procedure carried out in the dentist’s office. This treatment is used when the aim is to restore the function and aesthetic appearance of the damaged tooth. The most common tooth to be filled is a tooth damaged by tooth decay. The duration of the filling depends on the size of the carious cavity, and as it grows larger, the patient feels pain, and a long delay may lead to the tooth being removed.

If the caries affects the front teeth, an aesthetic filling is usually performed. It not only restores the damaged tooth tissue, but also corrects the shape, colour and size of the teeth.


Endodontics (root canal treatment)

Endodontics is Greek for the science of the “inside” of the tooth, the treatment of root canals. The main goal of endodontic treatment is to destroy micro-organisms in the root canal system and to protect the tooth and surrounding tissues from infection. To this end, the root canal must be cleaned and sealed. Using modern treatment techniques and materials, successful root canal treatment is usually possible.

The most common cause of bacterial entry into the root canal system is dental caries, through which bacteria enter the pulp of the tooth. If root canals are left untreated, the bacteria enter the surrounding tissues through the root apex and cause inflammation. Eventually, the jawbone around the infected tooth dissolves and a focal area forms. All this can lead to more serious complications

Ask your doctor


If left untreated for a long time, bacteria can cause inflammation of the tooth tissues, otherwise known as periodontitis. Often the person may not even feel it, but the jawbone starts to dissolve and the tooth eventually has to be removed. Endodontic treatment clears the bacteria from the root canal, thus prolonging the life of the tooth.

If you have acute pain that lasts for a long time, may spread to the ear area, is usually felt in the evening or at night, and is aching, throbbing, or throbbing, we advise you to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Sometimes there is no pain at all, but only after X-rays have been taken and the condition of the root canals has become clear. For this reason, it is particularly important to visit the dentist regularly once every 6 months.

When root canal treatment is started, it is usually in stages, requiring several visits. The tooth nerve (pulp) is removed, the canal is cleaned and sealed. Dental photographs are taken throughout the treatment process. When a tooth is treated over several visits, a temporary filling is placed on the tooth to protect it from bacteria entering the carious cavity. It is important to note that the patient can only walk around with this filling for a maximum of 1 month. If it falls out, it is necessary to contact the dentists immediately.

Root canal treatment is a highly experienced and meticulous procedure involving the use of machine or hand instruments.