Patient Reviews

Brigita U.
3 months ago
Didžiausios rekomendacijos šiai klinikai. Profesionalūs specialistai, malonus bendravimas, viskas vietoje bei laiku.
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Barakas B.
3 months ago
super papadent su tiksliu gydimo planu ir draugiski gyditojai kurie pasiruoše padėti visada
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Rolandas D.
3 months ago
Puikūs gydytojai ir puikus personalas. Dekoju uz gydyma
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Jelena R.
4 months ago
Nuoširdžiausius padėkos žodžius norėčiau skirti UAB "Papadent" klinikai ir mane gydžiusiam gydytojui Eugenijui Šmitui. Ačiū, gydytojau, už Jūsų profesionalumą, kruopštumą, rūpestį, dėmesingumą, reiklumą ir atsidavimą savo darbui! Kartu su savo padėjėja Jūs sukūrėte labai jaukią ir drąsią atmosferą. Esu be galo dėkinga Jums. Taip pat norėčiau padėkoti draugiškoms ir maloniai bendraujančioms administratorėms, juk nuo Jūsų prasideda pažintis su klinika. Džiaugiuosi, kad atradau šią kliniką. Dabar savo dantų priežiūrą patikėsiu "Papadent" ir rekomenduosiu savo artimiesiems, draugams, pažįstamiems. Sekmės Jums profesionalinėje veikloje ir kuo daugiau dėkingų pacientų!
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4 months ago
Rima Š.
4 months ago
Didelis AČIŪ gydytojams Tomui Stumbriui ir Martynui Pempei bei med. sesutėms Jelenai ir Svetlanai už kokybiškai atliktą darbą, gerus žodžius ir kantrybę. Rekomenduoju šią kliniką visiems!
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Sandra V.
4 months ago
Esu labai patenkinta profesionaliu kolektyvo darbu. Malonu ateiti į kliniką, nes visi malonūs nuo pat registratūros iki specialistų. Ačiū už puikią implantavimo procedūrą. Dirba tikri savo srities ekspertai.
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Adolfas M.
4 months ago
Žodžiu jie savo darbo profesionalai.Tikrai dirba tobulai
5 months ago
Efektyvus gydymas, malonus ir paslaugus personalas. Dirba specialistai išmanantys savo darbą. Labai esu patenkinta.
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Roma P.
5 months ago
Labai malonūs gydytojai ir visas personalas
Viktor G.
6 months ago
Papadent – tai vieta, kur atkuriama dantų sveikata ir grožis :) Aš norėčiau išreikšti didžiulę padėką odontologijos klinikai „Papadent“. Mano dantų būklė buvo apverktina, o dabar pagaliau galiu vėl džiaugtis gražia šypsena. Klinikos personalas pasirodė esąs nepaprastai malonus ir rūpestingas. Gydytojai – aukščiausios kvalifikacijos specialistai, jie išsamiai paaiškino visus galimus gydymo planus ir padėjo man pasirinkti tinkamiausią. Pats gydymas vyko sklandžiai ir be skausmo. Dėka geros anestezijos, beveik kiekvieno vizito metu pavykdavo net pamiegoti :DD Nuoširdžiai dėkoju ir drąsiai rekomenduoju Papadent kliniką. P.S. Atskira padėka odontologui Eugenijui Š. už profesionalumą, rūpestingumą, dėmesingumą ir už mano naują šypseną.
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Silva S.
6 months ago
Nuoširdus AČIŪ PAPADENT gydytojams bei kolektyvui. Ypač noriu padėkoti gydytojams Tomui Stumbriui ir Eugenijui Šmitui už jų "stiprias bei švelnias" rankas, atidumą pacientams, kvalifikuotą gydymą, sugrąžintą šypseną ! Dalinuosi savo patirtimi su draugais, artimaisiais ir... visiems, turintiems šių sveikatos problemų, rekomentuoju kreiptis į PAPADENT kliniką. Sėkmės jūsų darbuose ! AČIŪ !
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Sergejus G.
6 months ago
Labai Ačiū,visam personalui, išskirtiniai noriu padėkoti gydytojui Tomui ir asistentei Svetlanai už super atliktą darbą ir palaikymą . Dėkui
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Valentina P.
6 months ago
Aciu gydytojams ir visai komandai uz efektyvu ir profesionaliai atlikta darba. Esu labai patenkinta. Dar karta aciu.
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Pavel L.
6 months ago
Rzanaster R.
6 months ago
Mykolas V.
7 months ago
Labai kokybiškai sutaisė skyles dantyse, ankščiau buvo skylės, o dabar- nebėra. Patiko Gydytojo Eugenijaus profesionaliai suteiktos paslaugos ir bendravimas su klientais. Užsirašiau kitam vizitui, žodžiu rekomenduoju.
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Liucina R.
7 months ago
Prieš kelis metus man darė viršutinio žandikaulio implantaciją pagal "All-on-4" metodiką. Esu labai patenkinta klinikos vadovo Tomo, gydytojo Eugenijaus ir viso aptarnaujančio personali darbu. Ačiū Jums. Visiems rekomenduoju.
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Laima V.
7 months ago
Jau 9-erius metus esu Papadent klientė, esu labai patenkinta visais gydytojais, slaugytojomis, žaviuosi jų profesionalumu, itin dideliu dėmesiu pacientui, atidumu, perfekcionizmo siekiu. Dėkoju už malonų aptarnavimą ir priėmimo padalinio darbuotojoms. Gydomės kartu su vyru Walter, kuris yra Belgijos pilietis ir gyvena Belgijoje, ir nepaisant dalinai atlyginamų odontologijos paslaugų savo šalyje, bevelija lankytis ir gauti reikiamas paslaugas Papadent dėl itin draugiško, malonaus, profesionalaus medikų aptarnavimo. Dėkui Jums Laima+Walter
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Birute B.
7 months ago
Prieš 3 savaites klinikoje buvo atlikta viršutinio žandikaulio implantacija pagal All-on-4 metodiką.Nuo pat vaikystės labai bijojau odontologų,ilgai ieškojau klinikos,bet apsilankius ,,Papadent"(rekomendavo draugė),susitikus su gydytoju Tomu Stumbriu ir jo asistente baimė dingo.Šiuo metu esu implantų gijimo stadijoje,laikausi gydytojų nurodymų ,tikiuosi,kad viskas bus gerai ir laukiu kitų vizitų.Dėkoju visiems klinikos gydytojams,jų asistentėms ,administratorėms už jų sunkų darbą ,malonų ir šiltą aptarnavimą.Ačiū.
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Irincik S.
7 months ago
Algirdas K.
8 months ago
Labai kokybiskas aptarnavimas.Visi gydytojai aukstos kvalifikacijos. Registraturos darbuotojos visada pasitinka ir islydi su sypsena. Dabar turiu grazius dantis, sypsausi ir dziaugiuosi gyvenimu.Visiems rekomenduoju sia puikia istaiga.
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Violeta Z.
8 months ago
Papadent klinikos gydytojai grąžino man baltadantę šypseną ir pasitikėjimą savimi. Gydytojas implantologas Tomas Stumbrys profesionaliai implantavo kelis dantukus. Gyd. Martynas Pempė protezavimo profesionalas. Gyd. Sigutė Viitkūnienė be galo maloni estetinio plombavimo specialistė. Dėkoju visam klinikos personalui. Mielai ją rekomenduosiu kitiems.
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Tomas P.
8 months ago
Labai džiaugiuosi nauja šypsena. Prieš kelias dienas vyko operacija, bet jokio skausmo ar nepatogumo nejaučiu. Ačiū komandai už profesionalų darbą. Rekomenduoju šią kliniką visiems
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8 months ago
Nuoširdus ačiū Tomui Stumbriui už profesionaliai atlikta dantų implantaciją, taip pat noriu padėkoti nuostabiai padėjėjai Svetlanai, už rūpestį ir nuoširdumą, Eugenijui Šmitui, ir visam Papadent kolektyvui. Ačiū už viską, ką darote! Jūs patys geriausi!
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Tatjana B.
9 months ago
Nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju šios klinikos specialistus, kurie prisidėjo prie mano naujos šypsenos. Svarbiausia, jog nebebijau šypsotis ir kaskart džiaugiuosi nauja šypsena. Ačiū dar kartą!
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Zbignev L.
9 months ago
Dėkoju klinikai Papadent už gražią šypseną,profesionalų aptarnavimą,nuostabią atmosferą. Labai malonus personalas. Rekomenduoju kas dar abejoja ir negali išsirinkti klinikos.
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Augustas D.
9 months ago
Viskas puiku. Puikus personalas, puikūs gydytojai. Visiems rekomenduoju.
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Gytis R.
9 months ago
Puiki klinika ir puikus personalas,darbas atliktas puikiai.
Vilius R.
9 months ago
Zilvinas K.
9 months ago
Gintaras K.
10 months ago
Sveiki,pries kelis metus pilnai protezavo virsutini ir apatini zandikauli likau labai patenkintas darbu,dabar protezavo zmonai puikus meistrai ir personalas.Visiem didelis ačiu,rekomenduoju.!
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zlata B.
10 months ago
Irena M. Puiki klinika, malonus personalas, viskas sterilu, saugu ir svarbiausia, kad po procedūros norisi šypsotis daug dažniau, visiškai rekomenduoju! Ypatinga padėka slaugytojoms ir gydytojams (Tomui Stumbriui, Eugenijui Šmitui), mūsų dantų sveikata patikimose rankose!
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Regina K.
10 months ago
Esu be galo dėkinga ypatingai šiltam ir profesionaliam "UAB Papadent" kolektyvui. Tomui Stumbriui,kuris yra šio kolektyvo stuburas. Tomo rankose jaučiausi saugi ir rami ir jokios baimės.Mano akimis tai angelas žemėje.Patys geriausi ir rūpestingiausi gydytojai Martynas Pempė ir Eugenijus Šmitas,didelis ačiu jiems už profesionalumą.Administratorėms, kurios pasitinka ir palydi su šypseną.Ačiu joms, jos yra jūsų veidas.Rekomenduoju šimtų dešimt procentu :)
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Teresa G.
10 months ago
Prieš du metus klinikoje "Papadent" mano vyras sutvarke dantis. Kadangi nenusivyliau, viskas buvo atlikta puiku, aš nusprndžiau gydytis taip pat šioje klinikoje. Visas procdūras gavau vietoje. Klinikos personalas apsilankymo metu bendravo nuoširdžiai. Gavau išsamią informaciją kaip turiu elgtis po atliktų procedūrų. Ačiū visiems klinikos darbuotojams.
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Natalja N.
10 months ago
Ypatingą padėką norėčiau išreikšti klinikos vadovui Tomui Stumbriui ir visam PAPADENT kolektyvui už suteiktą pagalbą, nepriekaištingą, profesionalų darbą, atjautą ir šypsenas! JŪS ESATE GERIAUSI !!!!!!!
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Julija K.
10 months ago
Ačiū visai „Papadent“ komandai, kuri prikėlė mano „holivudinę“ šypseną. Nuoširdus AČIŪ.
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Jonas G.
10 months ago
Šaunus kolektyvas,šaunūs specialistai,malonus bendravimas viso priceso metu .šaunuoliai !
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Tamara A.
10 months ago
Labai ačiū klinikos personalui už profesionalumą ir dėmesį Tamara
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Valdis G.
10 months ago
Malonus aptarnavimas ir sąžiningas bei kokybiškas darbas


Good and professional staff. All the work done was done as promised - top quality.



Very good clinic, all the work was done to a high standard - 10 out of 10. The staff are true professionals. I was very satisfied with the price and quality.



I am very happy to have discovered the "Papadent" dental clinic, where I have been going for many years, and during that time I have undergone various procedures from dental implants, tooth repairs and oral hygiene. You come to this clinic and you know that you will not feel any pain. Thank you to the doctors of "Papadent", especially Sigutea Vitkūnieneiufor their professionalism, responsibility and care for quality consultations - questions concerning their competence are always answered. It is very pleasant and good to know that their company works with state-of-the-art equipment, which makes it easier to find out in more detail about the problems that have arisen, which are solved quickly, qualitatively and professionally, and that several paths of treatment are proposed. This clinic has met all my expectations. Thank you for being there!



Everything is very good. I have no complaints. It is a pleasure to visit such specialists.



The service was provided in a professional manner - the doctor works responsibly and knows her job. Thank you very much for the beautiful smile. The staff is helpful and understanding. The prices could be a little lower, but that is the market.



I am very grateful to all the staff at the clinic for their sincere care for me.

Many thanks to Dr. Od. Tomas Stumbris and my attending physician Judita Karužienė for their professionally gentle and attentive treatment.



Excellent doctor, pleasant communication, explained everything clearly. The doctor was very attentive, thorough and very gentle. I had a tooth filled, the filling looks very natural. I will definitely come back to this clinic to see Dr. Sigute!



A big thank you to this clinic for giving me a new life, for giving me the opportunity to smile, for giving me a great feeling to have teeth.



I am satisfied with the doctors' work. Thank you for the beautiful smile.



The clinic is working well. Always warns you about coming. The doctor is really professional and explains everything in understandable terms. The quality of the work is very good and the service is excellent. I am glad that I turned to this clinic.



I am very happy with the final result. The doctor exceeded my expectations. The visits are very pleasant, sincere, and the work is very thorough. Thank you for your patience in working with me.



I am very happy to be a patient at this clinic because you just come to a place where you are welcome, where the surgery is not painful at all, and the post-operative period is hard to imagine - you don't even need an anaesthetic after the implant is placed. It is something extraordinary. The relationship with the staff is wonderful, and the head of the clinic, Tomas Stumbrys, is incredibly professional, and the relationship with the patient is such that you feel like you've come to the appointment - you're relaxed and you're in a good frame of mind. Good luck to the whole team and thank you very much.



After a long search, we chose this clinic and we are very satisfied. The team is wonderful, everyone is very helpful and kind, and every patient receives special attention. The work of doctor Tomas Stumbris exceeded all expectations, he is a true professional in his field.



Many thanks to the wonderful and kind staff of the clinic for their sincerity, love for their work, professionalism and high level of service!!! You are fantastic!!!

Thank you to the head of the clinic and a true medical professional Tomas Stumbris for giving me my smile back!!!

A perfectly "orchestrated" work, where each of your movements and words calms and makes you feel comfortable and safe. Thank you.



Since 14 December 2016 (implant placement, pulling, removal), no complaints against the doctors or the staff. I like them and the clinic in general.



My beautiful smile now travels with me everywhere, I still can't get enough of it! Thank you so much to the wonderful Papadent team, especially to doctors Tomas Stumbris and Judita Karužienė, for their meticulous, responsible and high quality work. Although healthy, several of my front teeth were chipped and discoloured. Judita completely transformed my smile in a couple of days: eight veneers were placed. She not only did the work technically, but also advised me and chose the best option. Papadent, whose services I have been using for several years now, has also cured me of my fear of dental surgeries: I am always sure that I am entrusting my dental health to the best and most honest professionals.

Getting your front teeth fixed with veneers is one of the best decisions of your life. It's an investment that I can see the results of wherever I am, every day. It's more than just aesthetics and beauty: it's confidence, well-being and the desire to smile wherever and whenever. My only regret today is that I didn't do it sooner.



Golden hands of doctor Tomas! I am so happy that I can smile widely again! Many thanks to Tomas and the wonderful staff for this excellent result.



Thanks to all the doctors and clinic's staff for the excellent service with high performance of culture and the returned smile. It was worth traveling all those kilometres so that I could smile and regain my self-esteem!



Thank you very much to the entire staff, doctor Tomas, doctor Jurate. Golden hands, optimism and good humour are things that healed me. Thank you! Now I can smile, teeth are as my own, thank you!



Thanks to Jurate and the entire staff for the performed services and procedures. I wish further success in your work!



Thank you to Tomas and wonderful Jolanta for the flawlessly performed procedures and excellent dental care training.



Thanks to all the clinic doctors for professional services and pleasant communication!



A professional and wonderful doctor with unreal memory!



Good work, thanks Tom. I have been attending your clinic for more than 12 years and I always go out with a smile. Good luck and follow on!



I am glad about your honest work and modern technologies. Your attention to a person is a significant contribution to your patients' mood. Success at work! Thank you.



I want to thank doctor Darius for a painless and quick farewell with the 8-tooth. THANK YOU! For sure I will recommend you to my friends!



I have been the patient of doctor Tomas since 2007, each visit to his clinic leaves a wonderful, lasting impression. I am very pleased with his work. Six years ago inserted implant serves without mistakes; I even forget that it is not my teeth.



Despite my respectable age, in one single visit my decayed teeth were removed, four implants threaded and fitted prosthesis at the same day. I was not without teeth any single day, and now I am glad with my new zirconium ceramic teeth. I am fascinated by the work of the clinic's staff, respect for the patient, warm working relationships. I wish you continued success in every business hours and days-off.



Thank you very much to the entire clinic's staff, you are true professionals. It was a pleasure to visit you. Thanks again to Tomas, Darius and most pleasant Jolanta. Until the next meeting!



Thank you to doctor Jolanta Ruzgienė who cured my paradontosis and doctor Tomas Stumbrys for a new bridge on my hopeless teeth, I feel again like in my youth! You do a great job.



For several years, I suffered from the inconvenient removable dentures that did not comply with the mouth. Several medical institutions told me it was because of the poor condition of the bone and that they would not be able to make implants. However, doctor Tomas Stumbrys brought back the joy of life, he inserted implants on the same day and attached the old dental plate, I can chew again, and after three months I had beautiful new teeth. I want to smile again!



I am very grateful to doctor Tomas for my creative dental repairs carried out a few years ago. He arranged what was done poorly since 1961. The results of the performed work are stable and of good quality. I offer to provide vocation to knighthood for doctor Tomas Stumbrys.



Thank you to all the excellent staff, who are dedicated to their profession and radiate warmth and peace. I am especially grateful to Tomas Stumbris for the complex full-mouth implantation. I can smile again and give smiles to others, which is very lacking, especially in Lithuania. I would like to wish you and all your team the best of luck. Good health and strength to you!



I am glad to modern technology, and I am very grateful to doctors Tomas Stumbrys, Jurate Ilonienė and clinics throughout the staff! Services performed flawlessly, and work with excellent results!



It seems I look like another person; new teeth changed me so much! I am very grateful to the doctors Tomas Stumbrys, Darius Jasiulevič and the excellent team. Thank you! And see you later! Zita from the United States, Minnesota



I am very satisfied, no pain, I could eat right away, I am very happy and thankful. Golden staff, all very friendly. Everybody knows what they are doing, everybody is in a very good mood.



We are both very happy that we are able to smile again. Thanks for the excellent work and superior service. Thank you very much to doctor Tomas Stumbrys and your staff! Danute and Česlovas Srėbaliai from Klaipeda



I am proud and glad esteemed physician T. Stumbrys works. Thanks to him I can smile a mouthful of teeth and, of course, plenty to eat at the crocodile as interrupts and well sukramtydamas and pasigardžiuodamas. But most importantly - can divide a smile to people not only through St. Christmas Day, but every day, which is now for me is just like strangers !! I am very, very grateful to the whole team!



Thank you for your sincere work!



Just visit the clinic "Papadent and after hearing the doctor - dentist Tomas Stumbrys realized that at last there is hope to have a beautiful smile that will change my life, not only for aesthetic purposes. Just a smile exchanged 24valandas cardinal. And what to speak of normal eating characteristics. Why Papadent? Everywhere and everything is determined by humanity and attitude towards us. The clinic staff is not only very nice, caring, flexible, but also a professional not only work, but also the sense of humanity. I sincerely thank you and a smile "Papadent.



Excellent service, quality service. Always contacts me by phone, on the first day, clarifies the details of the visit.



Dental clinic PAPADENT consults and treats themselves most professional experts.



The Papadent team left a very good impression: doctor Tomas Stumbrys is very professional, interested in innovations in the field of dentistry and successfully implements them in practice, and is a very warm person. The team works like clockwork - every employee knows their job and does it responsibly. I am very happy that I chose this clinic. Thank you to the PAPADENT team for giving me the opportunity to smile and enjoy life, because life has improved a lot.



Pleasant doctor, professional service. I am satisfied, thank you.



I am very satisfied with the doctor's work. The staff is excellent, as is the clinic. I will recommend you to friends and acquaintances.



My sincere thanks to Dr Tom (golden hands and professionally amazing SUPER doctor) for the successful All-on-4 jaw implantation and prosthetic teeth replacement. Thank you to the whole team for their professionalism, pleasant communication, services and procedures (I even miss them :))). I am eternally grateful for my new beautiful smile ? Professional work, no pain and teeth like your own. I recommend!



It's still hard to believe that I have new teeth and such a beautiful smile. It will probably take some time to get used to it. But I feel very good. It seems like my biggest dream has come true. I would like to thank my dentist. I would like to thank Dr. Tom and the whole staff for bringing me back the desire to smile and enjoy life.



I am sincerely grateful to the entire Papadent team, especially Tomas Stumbris and Jolanta Ruzgiene, for their professional and perfect work. As I had a lot of problems, my visits lasted almost a year. They pulled my teeth, removed nerves from my canals, fitted crowns, etc. Therefore, with this experience, I can say that the clinic is staffed only by professional specialists who know their job perfectly and are always pleasant to the clients. I am very satisfied with the result. Implanted teeth are like natural teeth, they provide emotional comfort and a youthful appearance, self-confidence, and the opportunity to enjoy an active, full life. Thank you very much for your quality work.


Sun I.

A very sincere THANK YOU to Dr. Tomas Stumbris for the opportunity to take part in this project, research and to have my teeth placed. A job well done. Wonderful! I can smile again. I don't have to cover my mouth with my hand anymore, I can eat without fear and communicate with people with a good smile. The new teeth that VOS placed in one day have changed me a lot. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I am very grateful to YOU. I am still a little short of full happiness with my upper jaw, but hopefully it will all work out in time. Thank you very much, Doctor. I am very grateful to her for the services and procedures provided. THANK YOU TO ALL YOUR TEAM. A big thank you to AGNE, the CLINIC ADMINISTRATOR, for the warm and courteous welcome. Thank you.



Probably the nicest dental clinic I have visited ? And a big thank you to doctor Mindaugas Vaičiūnas and his assistant for their professionalism and polite communication.



For many years I walked with partial removable dentures, teeth were moving gradually until they began to fall out in the end, and there remained only a few ones. I am extremely grateful to doctor Tomas Stumbrys for my dream smile and revived confidence. The teeth were removed, implants were threaded and teeth were put in unexpectedly quickly. I am very happy with the results. Thank you for your promptness, thank you for giving me the chance to smile again!



I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the head of the clinic, Dr Tomas Stumbris, and to the whole team. Thanks to them, I have been feeling great for a year now, I can smile broadly and eat normally. There are excellent specialists here, there is always a good mood and warm communication. All the best to you!



I would like to express my gratitude to the Clinic and its staff, but I would like to avoid sounding like a trite and banal thank-you, which would dilute its meaning. Because this Clinic and the people who work there really break the stereotype of the normal, private clinic, where the priority is money, image and other essentially extraneous moments that overshadow the essence of the Clinic. Where, after all, a medical service is provided, and in a very delicate area. Of course, this is not a charity and the service is chargeable, but the greatest pleasure is to see when the charge is well deserved. I therefore say a very sincere and truly justified THANK YOU for the professionalism that does not overshadow humanity.



Tom! Thanks to you and your team for a well-done a job. Amazing!! I can smile again. In just one day, my teeth were replaced with implants and prostheses were made. Thanks again for the inspired self-confidence!



My sincere thanks to Papadent Dental Clinic and the staff for the high quality and meticulous work and the good and cosy atmosphere of the clinic. After losing my teeth due to illness, I received prompt and impeccable help at Papadent. I had all my dental implants placed, and the procedure caused me no discomfort or pain. I am glad that the healing process did not distract me from my daily activities and work, and I recommend anyone in a hurry to put their smile in the hands of Papadent dentists. Now I can enjoy a healthy and natural smile again. Thank you.



Thank you very much for the new, white and very beautiful teeth! Thank you for your professionalism and a well-done job. I also thank the assistants. I would like to return here!!



What happened? You are so rejuvenated! Such comments I got after your visit to the clinic. These are the miracles performed by PAPADENT doctor Tom and his team. Thank you!



I would like to thank all the doctors at the Papadent clinic for their skilled help. I received a high quality placement of implants and prostheses. All the staff are very kind and helpful and always provide the necessary information. I am especially grateful to the surgeon and the clinic manager Tomas Stumbris. He is not only a good specialist, but also an excellent manager - his clinic provides very high quality services at reasonable prices. Thank you.



I am very happy and grateful to all the staff for my new, beautiful smile!! Success at work!



I trusted doctor Tomas Stumbrys to take professional dental care of my teeth and treatment. I have been his patient for about ten years. I am very satisfied with the genuine, high-quality work and I am happy with healthy and beautiful teeth. A visit to the dental clinic does not cause stress, special attention is paid to every patient. Here you will find a professional team of doctors, you will receive a pleasant service and there is a warm, cosy atmosphere. I found what I sought.
